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Wednesday 26 October 2016

"How to Access the Human Heart"

"Be present in every moment from a place of innocence, a place of heart, a place of Love"
No matter what your religious or spiritual perspective, belief or philosophy, there is only one way for humans to enter into LovePeace and Joy, and that is through the power of our Human Heart. Our ideas, thoughts, and opinions may differ, but what our Hearts feel is Universal. Although ultimately, there is no separation between the Human and the Spiritual Heart, from a human perspective and experience of things, your Human Heart can be a vessel through which you pour, to enter into and through to the Spiritual Heart.
As I talked about in my last post, “Is a Love Affair with the Truth possible without an Awakening?”, the way to truth is through the Human and Spiritual Heart. For those of you who have experienced an Awakening , your Human Heart was catapulted into the Spiritual Heart with no choice on the part of your Human self. Oneness was simply ready to wake up out of its identification with form. However, I have had many people inquire whether one can enter into the Spiritual Heart without having experienced an Awakening and the answer is Yes!
"We enter in the Spiritual Heart through opening up to the capacity of our Human Heart"
Most people that I speak with nod when I tell them this, as it makes sense on an intellectual level right? However, as much as this is something that may make sense to most of us, from my own experience as a Registered Clinical Counsellor, this is by far the number one fear of any clients I have ever had the privilege of counselling. To open up to the capacity of our Human Heart, there is an innate requirement of Vulnerability. Through my personal as well as my professional relationships, I can tell you that most people don't do vulnerability. In fact, most people run from it as fast and as far as they can. To make oneself vulnerable, means to open oneself to the possibility of being hurt, rejected, and sometimes even shunned and persecuted. One such example is Jesus, who was shunned and persecuted for being vulnerable. He not only walked this earth through the Spiritual Heart, but also through his Human Heart. For a beautifully written, modern account of the story of Jesus, I recommend "The Jesus Story" by Adyashanti.
Now for most of us, we will not be literally persecuted for being vulnerable and yet we fear it, for it feels as if to be vulnerable means to be subject to a certain type of death. This death is the death of our thought formulated image. Most of us structure a whole image of ourselves through our thought forms. The mere idea that this image may be shattered by another's opinion, treatment or rejection of us, makes us fear opening our hearts. Let me give an example to illustrate this point.
A few years ago, I was counselling a couple who were having difficulties in their marriage. The woman's main complaint was that her husband never shared his thoughts and ideas with her. She felt much anger at him for being so closed up with her. When we delved deeper into what lay under the energy of her anger, we uncovered that what she actually felt was fear. The fear was that he did not share things with her because he didn't think that she was an interesting enough or smart enough person to listen to his thoughts and ideas. We delved deeper still. What we realized was that under the fear that he didn't find her interesting or smart enough was the fear that he thought she wasn't good enough for him. We continued to delve deeper... Under the fear that she wasn't good enough for him, was the fear that she wasn't ENOUGH for anybody. We uncovered that she believed she was not lovable enough. That something was innately unlovable about her. We traced this formed belief many years back to her childhood where she felt ignored, unloved, and virtually invisible. Due to her experience of life as a child, this lovely woman had formed a deep seated story about herself and her self worth. However, the image she projected into the world, according to her husband, was one of a very confident, sure-of-herself woman, who as he said "took no bullshit from anyone!". In order to cover up her insecurities of her perceived inherent un-lovability, she went to great lengths to formulate and perform an image of herself as a person who didn't need anybody. In turn, her husband too had his own image to uphold.
The husband shared with me that he grew up with a domineering father, who belittled him for expressing his own ideas and feelings. He therefore thought formulated an image of himself based on his past experiences and conditionings and this image was that of a man who was strong and didn't show any weaknesses, vulnerabilities or doubts. Therefore, in the face of his wife, who appeared to be stoic at all times, he felt that he even more needed to uphold the image of himself as a strong man who never felt scared, lonely or vulnerable. To him, sharing his thoughts, opinions and feelings was seen as a sign of weakness.
Both of my clients were fiercely protecting their Human Hearts. The tricky part of our thought formulated images is that unless we step back from identification with our mind, we believe these images, and in fact don't even see that they have control over us. These images hold us bondage and make us do and say crazy things. All in the name of protection from our fear of ultimate rejection. One of the biggest needs that humans have is the need to be accepted. Rejection is the complete opposite of acceptance. What we don't realize is that living from a place of thought formulated images instead of from the Heart is the ultimate rejection of Ourselves.
Not living from the place of our Human Heart is to forget your OWN ESSENCE. That essence is Love. When you close off your heart, you reject that which you are at the core of your existence. When you close off your acceptance of the Love that you are, you reject all of Humanity and the Love that resides within it. 
What are your thought formulated images.............?
If you can, try to give yourself the space to visualize the images that you hold of yourself.
In what images do you hide from the world..............? 
My next post will be about what to do with the images that you have formulated of yourself and how to accept them and in fact use them to open up your Human Heart.
Thank you all once again for sharing in my journey....
Until next time....
Much Love and Blessings,

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